about us

     Located in the beautiful Corvallis, Oregon, our newly formed Limited Liability Company (LLC) was created to facilitate testing of pharmaceutical compounds. This stems from the increased demand of pharmaceutical companies investigating therapies for respiratory viruses and the need for a practical animal model. Lambcure, LLC was established after over a decade of research by Dr. Mark Ackermann, a veterinarian and board-certified veterinary pathologist, that developed, evaluated, and optimized the neonatal lamb model of infection of infants with respiratory viruses. Although Lambcure’s main focus is human Respiratory Syncytial Virus (hRSV), we have also studied parainfluenza, Gram-negative bacterial infections, and are exploring metapneumovirus and more devastating respiratory viruses through our continuous collaborative investigations. In addition, we have developed a lamb model of enhanced RSV infection following formalin-inactivated vaccination and a lamb model assessing the effects of maternal alcohol consumption on lung innate immunity.

    Lambcure, LLC forms a bridge between the long scientific investigation of therapeutic compounds and the ease and efficient assessment of such compounds to fulfill the needs of industry. This work started at Iowa State University through collaborations with many investigators and companies from around the world. Today, our company is based in Corvallis, Oregon collaborating with Carlson College of Veterinary Medicine at Oregon State University and our main laboratories and animal facilities are located in the state-of-the-art research facility, Legacy Research Institute (LRI) in Portland, Oregon.